My Coding Projects
Here are some of my coding projects. If you want more of this, be sure to check out my Gitlab instance or my Github profile.
- alpm-html - Generate a static site for browsing an Arch repo, styled like the main website.
- contribution-graph - A simple graph app that displays an aggregated calendar graph of contributions in Github and Gitlab
- Delaunay triangle and Voronoi diagram image generator - Generate pretty (to me) geometric images using math!
- dota-team-standings - Scrape Valve's DOTA2 pro circuit website to transform the data into a slightly more machine-friendly form.
- dotfiles - The files that make my home directory, mine.
- Fedora AutoIPA - An ansible role that creates a libvirt and KVM powered VM to run Fedora. Then logs into the new VM and installs FreeIPA.
Gitlab to DOAP - Given a gitlab personal token and a gitlab project, produce a DOAP XML file.
KDE Terminal Launcher - A very basic program that launches the default configured terminal in KDE's settings
LSP Containers - Put language servers into containers for smart text editing
Mailcow Auto Alias - Quickly generate a bunch of aliases in Mailcow.
network - All of the configuration that's network-wide, and not host specific.
PGP Pass Phrase - A really basic web toy, generating a pass phrase comprised of words from the PGP word list
pkgbuilds - The various packages I help maintain in the AUR
Ruwby Bot - My chat bot. Written in Ruby, go figure.
Timepiece Wrap - A way to easily create a bunch of recurring tasks managed by systemd and reporting to Healthchecks